This life you create is filled with opportunity and abundance, savviness, health and vitality. It is enriched, energizing, and passion driven. It is appreciative, respectful, ethical and humble. It is outrageous and bold, fun and adventurous. It keeps you curious and open minded, and includes a desire to learn & improve, to challenge your assumptions and to increase your knowledge, so it has you always proactively self educating. It is grounded, balanced and easy, and leaves you feeling fulfilled and elated, happy and peaceful.
This sensational life you create is based around a personal mission - something that is bigger than yourself, and thus has you endlessly giving back in some way. It is what fuels your drive to make things happen in your life that others would not believe is possible. It is passion and impact driven. It is your ultimate power.
It is this passion and internal power, this drive and determination, coupled with your confidence and belief in yourself - that combined with your talents, experience, skills and focused action that makes you a leader. It takes you higher than you could ever imagine. It engages you in conversations you never thought you would be having. It has you exploring new places and things. It opens your mind and opens your world more each day. It defines your freedom.
And, this my friends, is just the beginning of your sensational life :)
Friday, October 21, 2011
Monday, February 28, 2011
Try this for your business this Spring for new results!
It's the first time in a long time the Groundhog didn't see his shadow on Feb 2nd here in the USA, which means Spring weather should come earlier this year! :)
So why not jump into Spring a bit early and take advantage of the freshness of Spring?
There is always something so phenomenal about this season - besides the very welcomed switch from winter.
Spring represents lightness and fun, more sunny, warm days with cool gentle breezes, colorful flowers burst open, trees start to grow leaves back, there is renewing everywhere, the days get longer and overall, people tend to just be a little bit happier and have a rejuvenated energy! :)
So why not bring Spring directly into your business?
Bring all that powerful awesomeness right inside and make it your centerfold for your business for the next 3 months!
Do something fun or more lighthearted with your business. Market yourself a different way. Plant a different seed in a new direction to test a new area (service or product you can offer) or gain new market-share.
Take your work outside and see who it has you unexpectedly interact with. :) You might meet a new colleague or a potential customer, or even a new friend.
Folks, being outside sparks your mind & refreshes your brain to think more creatively. Suck in all the beauty and sweetness of nature and let it guide your way into your business. Evaluate and brainstorm how you can revive your business even more so, than what you started strong in the beginning of the new year.
If you can't be outside, buy some flowers, a plant, or a small tree and put it in/near your office to bring the outside in and to remind you for the next 3 months to always think: fresh, new, energized, colorful, explosive, playful, happy, lighthearted, spontaneous, and renewed.
If you are always thinking this way, you are bound to come up with some really spectacular ideas or even solutions to problems.
Then, take all this inspiration and creativity onto your business playground and explore how you can take any good idea(s) from thought to paper & develop a strategy to make it happen!
Do what you can to get out of winter mindset and pounce into Spring (early). Renew your business in some way to keep it Spring fresh after such an incredible start from your new year.
Share with me what you are thinking of doing or what you implement - I'd love to know! And let me know if I can help in any way - I love coming up with unique ideas and strategies!
Have some terrific revitalized months and a dynamite Spring!
Jaxi :)
So why not jump into Spring a bit early and take advantage of the freshness of Spring?
There is always something so phenomenal about this season - besides the very welcomed switch from winter.
Spring represents lightness and fun, more sunny, warm days with cool gentle breezes, colorful flowers burst open, trees start to grow leaves back, there is renewing everywhere, the days get longer and overall, people tend to just be a little bit happier and have a rejuvenated energy! :)
So why not bring Spring directly into your business?
Bring all that powerful awesomeness right inside and make it your centerfold for your business for the next 3 months!
Do something fun or more lighthearted with your business. Market yourself a different way. Plant a different seed in a new direction to test a new area (service or product you can offer) or gain new market-share.
Take your work outside and see who it has you unexpectedly interact with. :) You might meet a new colleague or a potential customer, or even a new friend.
Folks, being outside sparks your mind & refreshes your brain to think more creatively. Suck in all the beauty and sweetness of nature and let it guide your way into your business. Evaluate and brainstorm how you can revive your business even more so, than what you started strong in the beginning of the new year.
If you can't be outside, buy some flowers, a plant, or a small tree and put it in/near your office to bring the outside in and to remind you for the next 3 months to always think: fresh, new, energized, colorful, explosive, playful, happy, lighthearted, spontaneous, and renewed.
If you are always thinking this way, you are bound to come up with some really spectacular ideas or even solutions to problems.
Then, take all this inspiration and creativity onto your business playground and explore how you can take any good idea(s) from thought to paper & develop a strategy to make it happen!
Do what you can to get out of winter mindset and pounce into Spring (early). Renew your business in some way to keep it Spring fresh after such an incredible start from your new year.
Share with me what you are thinking of doing or what you implement - I'd love to know! And let me know if I can help in any way - I love coming up with unique ideas and strategies!
Have some terrific revitalized months and a dynamite Spring!
Jaxi :)
Friday, January 28, 2011
Monday, November 1, 2010
The Psychology Behind The Dirty Little Secrets of Pricing
This has been one of my biggest pet peeves since I’d say, the turn of the Century.
A product is sold for $9.95 or $9.99. A professional service is offered by an MBA Graduate for $795.00
Please don’t insult my intelligence!
Just make it $10 or make it $800 for friggen sake!
Why on earth are you even bother doing your accounting in ridiculous numbers such as these instead of working in whole rounded numbers?
Why aren’t you standing proud next to your product or service and (gasp) charging that whopping 5c more or that whopping penny more or (louder gasp) - a whole $5 more.
If 1c or 5c or $5 is really making or breaking the purchase of that consumer, then they aren’t going to buy from you anyway. In fact, they shouldn’t even be in your target market if they are that penny pinched. If your target market consumer is so desperate to save 1c or 5c, my gosh, how dare you tempt them with a product they probably don’t need and entice them to spend when it’s clear they can’t afford. What are you contributing back to society here except ongoing debt or struggling times. Some backwards corporate Social Contribution strategy you have there, Mr. business person.
So, I want all those that charge these insulting prices to stand up and acknowledge yourself. That’s it - be bold. Raise your hand high. Don’t be a coward now - stand proud behind your ridiculous pricing. Be willing to show your face to all those consumers you think you are ‘tricking’ buy doing this ‘psychology pricing’.
For those that don’t know what psychology pricing is, it’s being able to say some cheesy statement in your advertising message such as: “For less than $10 you can have xxxx” That’s right ,for $9.99 it’s all yours!”
The consumer then thinks that they are saving a lot because it’s “under $10″. This is the oldest trick in the book and frankly it just doesn’t work anymore.
Consumers are smarter now. We are more intelligent individuals overall and we are smarter shoppers - both thanks to the proliferation of the internet and the vast amount of knowledge for free you can learn on it. Additionally, I, for one, am tired of seeing these $9.95 or $9.99 pricetags endlessly for decades.
Generations are smarter now as less is kept in the dark about how business works, politics work, life works - due to the explosive demand of transparency. This pyschology price tag practice might have not been so obvious years ago, but it’s now boldlytransparent. And I have got to tell you, as a consumer - it doesn’t fly anymore. In fact, it deems you as less desirable in my eyes -and it crosses an ethical line with me.
So here’s what happens when I see that type of pricing - even with the MBA experienced business service for $795 (which offers a phenomenal service….such a shame). I look the other way. Yep, ya just lost me as a potential customer or client. Simply because I am aware of this tactic and I am not here to make you ‘feel good’ about the ‘bargain’ you think you are giving me, when you know it is absolutely no bargain at all. You know this is not what business professionals call a ‘pricing strategy’. This is all about psychology.
A bargain to me is if something is really supposed to be $10 and you make it $9.50. That shows class a bit more, not my ideal bargain of course (like $9.00 would be)
So how does all this cross the line of ethics? It crosses the lines of ethics with me because it is abuse of power by a business over a consumer.
Ethics as it relates to business or the course of business, does not require the consumer to have actually engaged in the business for the ethics violation to happen. It can be the mere suggestion or the impression that business makes to the consumer standing alone (ex: advertisement). This is my point of view on it, and from my study of ethics in business and prelaw college classes.
Another reason I won’t buy from you is because you think it’s a smarter business move for you to try to trick me, then to gain me as a loyal customer and ask me for 1 penny or 5c or $5 more. You put lot of time and energy in trying to cheapen me, vs raising me up and commending & honoring my intelligence, and putting the time and energy into enticing me and keeping me as a customer. You put all your energy into the wrong ‘pricing strategy’.
There is a reason Nordstrom doesn’t price items for $29.99. And even if they do reduce items, they do it respectfully and with class. You don’t see red pen ink on price tags with $25.99. Instead you see a red ink on a tag as $25-. They make it easy for their client in the store, when they are thinking about the purchase, when they are at the counter purchasing (say they pay with cash) and when they are at home balancing their checkbook - they aren’t working with change, it’s all simple, whole numbers - don’t even need a calculator (I round up in my check book anyway, but some are meticulous and want receipts to match exactly in the checkbook).
Even if I did purchase with you because of a necessity - it would be a one off, and just in case you weren’t aware - as it seems your tactics are quite outdated a Century or so - one-off companies will not survive in the 21st Century. They are being squashed daily as the global business community is having intelligent conversations with their prospects and creating trusted and valued long term relationships.
So even after reading this if you still insist on going about your immature business practices - be my guest. You know I won’t be in your database, and worse, I won’t be a fan, I will be a critic. Even worse, I have now exposed your Dirty Little Secret.
But in being an advocate for the rest of the population that is to scared to say no to you and really believes in your ‘bargain’, so much that they are still willing to give you their hard earned money, my one simple request is this:
PLEASE at least stop with the $9.99, $12.99 or the $55.99, etc. My gosh, a penny isn’t even worth anything today except an old fashion toss in a fountain or lake with a wish! So at the bare minimum, please at least raise the bar slightly on what you consider your prospect’s intelligence and add a dash of respect to it while your at it.
Ps: If you really don’t need that extra penny or 5c or $5 - well, then change your Corporate Social Contribution strategy to a sensible one - and donate all those pennies to a good cause or charity! I have a few listed on my home page in case your not sure where it should go:)
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Debates In Business
Some view debating as bad. They envision nasty comments back and forth and there being a winner and a loser.
That might be so in politics or in structured debate challenges, but not necessarily in business.
In business, I believe debating is actually an empowering conversation - a good thing! :)
Debating is the flow of ideas. It's a place where ideas & information from both parties (or both sides) can flourish and topics and agendas can be solidified or finalized. There is nothing healthier & stronger in business than these 2 things alone!
On a personal level, there are even better aspects that comes from a debate. Your intellectional development is enhanced because you learn different points of view that might allow you to see things differently, or you learn an entire new set of data that you weren't aware of that the opposite party presented.
At times, you also utilize your negotiation skills because with certain topics, especially in business -it's not about right and wrong, it's about coming to a meeting of the minds, a mutual agreement, and perhaps a compromise on one party's part. Negotiation skills is one of the essentials for a business professional to be successful. Great place to practice them is in a business debate. :)
Debates in business can often be referred to as a heated discussion or a challenging conversation. But with those negative words, comes some outstanding situations at times.
The values debate encourages - reason, tolerance, the careful weighing of evidence - are applicable in life. As you grow as a person, the more practice you have with these, you become more of your best self and thus become better for others. So these values should be cherished and nurtured.
Debate is what makes democratic societies so free and flourishing - rich in people driven thoughts, values and ideals. True democracy can not exist without debate.
There is no such thing as a debate without at least 2 passionate people coming to the table. The icing on this cake is that a debate inspires creativity and it re-charges passion! It takes ordinary topics or issues and brings explosive life to them!
And it also envokes a sense that anything is possible when two differing viewpoints get combined or when two people come together to address a topic or issue. It also sheds light on the understood message: that there is much to always learn, no matter how experienced you are, how old you are, or how knowledgeable you are on a topic.
So as you can see, what some would view as a negative situation filled with harsh words or underhanded tricks, (oops, that's politics :) ) is actually a positive, empowering and transparent action in business!
Now that you have my point of view - why not start a debate this week? Remember, you aren't stirring trouble, you are encouraging the open exchange of thoughts and ideas. Nothing could be healthier & more empowering for you or your business!
See what comes from it. :) See who is eager to participate & who shys away. See if you can finally fix that long term problem. See if you can figure out that way to align with another or that company you have always wanted to, or to solidify a partnership, or to once and for all, establish a collaborative work environment, etc.
The key to a solid & fair debate in business is you go into it with the mindset that something good will come from it, you might learn a thing or two, and you will keep it civil. If that is the driving & underlying message both sides begin the debate with, it should go quite well.
I would love to hear how this goes, so please share your stories with me!
That might be so in politics or in structured debate challenges, but not necessarily in business.
In business, I believe debating is actually an empowering conversation - a good thing! :)
Debating is the flow of ideas. It's a place where ideas & information from both parties (or both sides) can flourish and topics and agendas can be solidified or finalized. There is nothing healthier & stronger in business than these 2 things alone!
On a personal level, there are even better aspects that comes from a debate. Your intellectional development is enhanced because you learn different points of view that might allow you to see things differently, or you learn an entire new set of data that you weren't aware of that the opposite party presented.
At times, you also utilize your negotiation skills because with certain topics, especially in business -it's not about right and wrong, it's about coming to a meeting of the minds, a mutual agreement, and perhaps a compromise on one party's part. Negotiation skills is one of the essentials for a business professional to be successful. Great place to practice them is in a business debate. :)
Debates in business can often be referred to as a heated discussion or a challenging conversation. But with those negative words, comes some outstanding situations at times.
The values debate encourages - reason, tolerance, the careful weighing of evidence - are applicable in life. As you grow as a person, the more practice you have with these, you become more of your best self and thus become better for others. So these values should be cherished and nurtured.
Debate is what makes democratic societies so free and flourishing - rich in people driven thoughts, values and ideals. True democracy can not exist without debate.
There is no such thing as a debate without at least 2 passionate people coming to the table. The icing on this cake is that a debate inspires creativity and it re-charges passion! It takes ordinary topics or issues and brings explosive life to them!
And it also envokes a sense that anything is possible when two differing viewpoints get combined or when two people come together to address a topic or issue. It also sheds light on the understood message: that there is much to always learn, no matter how experienced you are, how old you are, or how knowledgeable you are on a topic.
So as you can see, what some would view as a negative situation filled with harsh words or underhanded tricks, (oops, that's politics :) ) is actually a positive, empowering and transparent action in business!
Now that you have my point of view - why not start a debate this week? Remember, you aren't stirring trouble, you are encouraging the open exchange of thoughts and ideas. Nothing could be healthier & more empowering for you or your business!
See what comes from it. :) See who is eager to participate & who shys away. See if you can finally fix that long term problem. See if you can figure out that way to align with another or that company you have always wanted to, or to solidify a partnership, or to once and for all, establish a collaborative work environment, etc.
The key to a solid & fair debate in business is you go into it with the mindset that something good will come from it, you might learn a thing or two, and you will keep it civil. If that is the driving & underlying message both sides begin the debate with, it should go quite well.
I would love to hear how this goes, so please share your stories with me!
“Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.”
– Thomas Babington, Lord Macaulay
For Profit,
New Businesses
Friday, September 3, 2010
Positive Thinking is NOT the Key to Personal Development
There is a very big misconception that hovers around what a life coach does for you or can do for you.
Many believe life coaches tell their clients lots of positive things about their clients to inspire them, and ultimately try to get them to change their mindset to think more positively.
While positive thinking is a crucial aspect when you are undergoing transformations and making changes (some usually hard) in your life, it's not the only thing life coaches do for or with their clients. In fact, it's usually the starting conversation and only touched on again if the client digresses into self destructive negative thinking patterns.
About a decade ago, more weight was put on positive thinking and even affirmations. But to be practical and sustainable, great coaches recognized that much more was needed to help their clients make the tremendous impacts or the small tweaks in the clients life they were seeking.
Positive thinking is necessary for personal development growth, yes - but it is by no means the answer to how you will achieve this growth nor will it make the progress for you.
You can sit around all day and think positively, which is good to a point - because at least you have a very strong mindset and a great outlook on life and you enjoy and appreciate things in your life more. But your life will pretty much still stay the same unless you start to take action in some way.
Now don't get me wrong, it's key to have a positive mindset always in life. There is really no other way to handle day to day problems and enjoy life without this, but positive thinking is not the key to personal development. Big difference.
Positive thinking needs to be coupled with a few more aspects to really make headway with any of your personal development goals.
So what great coaches help their clients with (if it is not already strong/positive) is shifting their mindset in the beginning of the coaching timeframe, and then after that, they start to focus on the more important aspects about the client and of the clients lifestyle to create the strategy, plans and actions necessary to pursue each ideal the client is striving towards.
Some of these things are intelligence (the client's intellect), resillience, potential, skills/talents, etc.
So, for example: as a personal coach, I would factor in their intellect and I would focus in on some of their skills/talents that they have - that they might not be aware of, or that they don't use that much and I would challenge or raise the bar on it's capacity, and I would have them consider what they could gain from these 3 (either or all) if it was strengthened/enhanced - so they could reach more (or all) of their potential. This can really make all the difference in the world.
It's identifying and giving them better tools for them to have 'as your person' (within themselves, to draw upon) to achieve what they are setting out to aspire to.
There is more to it than that, but this was the best example to show you how positive thinking is vital in the beginning of personal development, but it's not going to get you to the results you want - so it's not the key to personal development, it's just a necessary part of it.
Positive thinking needs to be combined with many other aspects of you as a person and your lifestyle in order to start the energizing pursuit of personal development and have this be a successful pursuit.
The most simplest example of a life coach's work is: think of a personal sports coach for a sports figure.
The sports coach offers words of encouragement – sure, & they keep that sports figure's mind sharp/strong/positive and focused - absolutely! But they mostly give pointers, share experiences, try to point out and correct what they see are things their client isn't doing properly, or is putting effort into, just at the wrong time, etc, etc.
Again, this is not all inclusive of what a life coach does, but it's the most basic way to describe the true impact a life coach can make on your life.
Positive thinking is a big part of personal development, but actually, thinking positively is a lifestyle. To me, it's the best andonly way to think!
Many believe life coaches tell their clients lots of positive things about their clients to inspire them, and ultimately try to get them to change their mindset to think more positively.
While positive thinking is a crucial aspect when you are undergoing transformations and making changes (some usually hard) in your life, it's not the only thing life coaches do for or with their clients. In fact, it's usually the starting conversation and only touched on again if the client digresses into self destructive negative thinking patterns.
About a decade ago, more weight was put on positive thinking and even affirmations. But to be practical and sustainable, great coaches recognized that much more was needed to help their clients make the tremendous impacts or the small tweaks in the clients life they were seeking.
Positive thinking is necessary for personal development growth, yes - but it is by no means the answer to how you will achieve this growth nor will it make the progress for you.
You can sit around all day and think positively, which is good to a point - because at least you have a very strong mindset and a great outlook on life and you enjoy and appreciate things in your life more. But your life will pretty much still stay the same unless you start to take action in some way.
Now don't get me wrong, it's key to have a positive mindset always in life. There is really no other way to handle day to day problems and enjoy life without this, but positive thinking is not the key to personal development. Big difference.
Positive thinking needs to be coupled with a few more aspects to really make headway with any of your personal development goals.
So what great coaches help their clients with (if it is not already strong/positive) is shifting their mindset in the beginning of the coaching timeframe, and then after that, they start to focus on the more important aspects about the client and of the clients lifestyle to create the strategy, plans and actions necessary to pursue each ideal the client is striving towards.
Some of these things are intelligence (the client's intellect), resillience, potential, skills/talents, etc.
So, for example: as a personal coach, I would factor in their intellect and I would focus in on some of their skills/talents that they have - that they might not be aware of, or that they don't use that much and I would challenge or raise the bar on it's capacity, and I would have them consider what they could gain from these 3 (either or all) if it was strengthened/enhanced - so they could reach more (or all) of their potential. This can really make all the difference in the world.
It's identifying and giving them better tools for them to have 'as your person' (within themselves, to draw upon) to achieve what they are setting out to aspire to.
There is more to it than that, but this was the best example to show you how positive thinking is vital in the beginning of personal development, but it's not going to get you to the results you want - so it's not the key to personal development, it's just a necessary part of it.
Positive thinking needs to be combined with many other aspects of you as a person and your lifestyle in order to start the energizing pursuit of personal development and have this be a successful pursuit.
The most simplest example of a life coach's work is: think of a personal sports coach for a sports figure.
The sports coach offers words of encouragement – sure, & they keep that sports figure's mind sharp/strong/positive and focused - absolutely! But they mostly give pointers, share experiences, try to point out and correct what they see are things their client isn't doing properly, or is putting effort into, just at the wrong time, etc, etc.
Again, this is not all inclusive of what a life coach does, but it's the most basic way to describe the true impact a life coach can make on your life.
Positive thinking is a big part of personal development, but actually, thinking positively is a lifestyle. To me, it's the best andonly way to think!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Don't Go To Barnes & Noble Without Reading This First!
If you haven't stepped foot into a Barnes & Noble since early July, quite a lot has changed. I was there about the 2nd week in July 2010 and back again today, and I can tell you - it is under a massive transformation.
Transformation: They are going to be primarily selling only educational material and will be depleting an enormous amount of their book selection...of which has already been underway for over a month.
Now interestingly enough, this even includes the business section. Three weeks ago when I was in Barnes & Noble - the business/sales/entrepreneur/marketing/management, etc. section was pretty big.
Today, for all these categories combined, it was 3/4 of that. And, except for some new releases, there was only 1 book per title, not the 4-5 you usually see for easy grabbing.
My book wasn't there, and it wasn't at another location either. It's a popular book, but not a new release, so they only keep one copy of it, so if someone grabs it, your out of luck. New releases still show multiple books.
To me, this is very strange, as books in the business section ARE educational - for those involved in business in any way, and especially for business owners, or for individuals who are interested in pursuing their own business.
If you are a business owner like me, this is where you occasionally frequent to pick up select books to continue your growth in this area.
I guess Barnes & Noble defines 'educational' in a different way than a business owner.
I believe Barnes & Noble is a bit short sighted in this area - or shall I say, a tad 'uneducated' on business. If they were current with the times and news, they would know small businesses and entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of America and are what keep America's economy strong.
Moreover, with millions of American's unemployed now due to the economic layoffs- more so than ever - these individuals are considering starting a business, and business books are usually their first starting reads.
Yes, of course, there is a lot you can gather on the internet, but sometimes it's just easier or more helpful for things the specific information you are looking for to have it compiled together in a highly recommended book.
They should remember, not everyone has Kindle, and not everyone had the luxury to purchase an iPad ---in the midst of these economic hard times (I don't have Kindle or an iPad).
So, for me, Amazon will now always get my business, as opposed to 'just on occasion'. It would be interesting to see the hit they take - as they are handing thousands of dollars of business over to instantly.
Yes, you can order online via Barnes & Noble - but why would you do that if Amazon has a much cheaper price? I am not sure how much cheaper - as if you are a B&N member card holder, you get a discount, but I would almost bet Amazon is still a tad bit cheaper. I am not a B&N card holder.
So basically, Barnes & Noble is transforming their store to reflect the success of Kindle - they have found more of their customers are on this than buying books now - and they are both streamlining and changing their product line so they can appeal to their customer's needs and desires more - which, if they are undergoing such a massive transformation, is clearly leaning towards educational material.
But remember, they don't think business books are educational material.
LOL....or just sad.
They might be back to the drawing board about this one, this time next year.
Until they change this, they have, officially as of today, lost me as a customer.
I congratulate them on their foresight to jump in quite quickly on a very significant hot topic - which isn't a trend by any means - its a Revitalization...the revitalization of education.
Each day, America leaders, Government, and ChangeAgents are placing the utmost importance on this topic again.
And it seems Barnes & Noble thought that unless they become akin to a school or university library, they might be out of business.
So, since they couldn't expand their physical space in each location, they chose to deplete a lot of their book selections to make room for the influx of educational material that will now be their primary product line - as you can see prevalently when you are in their store today, vs just even 3 weeks ago.
So now that you have read this - go pop on over to Barnes & Noble - well, unless you are interested in Business or Sales/Mktg books. :) Then I suggest you just stay put and open up
Either way, I encourage you to read - learn and grow and really enjoy whatever you are reading and learning this month!
Jaxi :)
Transformation: They are going to be primarily selling only educational material and will be depleting an enormous amount of their book selection...of which has already been underway for over a month.
Now interestingly enough, this even includes the business section. Three weeks ago when I was in Barnes & Noble - the business/sales/entrepreneur/marketing/management, etc. section was pretty big.
Today, for all these categories combined, it was 3/4 of that. And, except for some new releases, there was only 1 book per title, not the 4-5 you usually see for easy grabbing.
My book wasn't there, and it wasn't at another location either. It's a popular book, but not a new release, so they only keep one copy of it, so if someone grabs it, your out of luck. New releases still show multiple books.
To me, this is very strange, as books in the business section ARE educational - for those involved in business in any way, and especially for business owners, or for individuals who are interested in pursuing their own business.
If you are a business owner like me, this is where you occasionally frequent to pick up select books to continue your growth in this area.
I guess Barnes & Noble defines 'educational' in a different way than a business owner.
I believe Barnes & Noble is a bit short sighted in this area - or shall I say, a tad 'uneducated' on business. If they were current with the times and news, they would know small businesses and entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of America and are what keep America's economy strong.
Moreover, with millions of American's unemployed now due to the economic layoffs- more so than ever - these individuals are considering starting a business, and business books are usually their first starting reads.
Yes, of course, there is a lot you can gather on the internet, but sometimes it's just easier or more helpful for things the specific information you are looking for to have it compiled together in a highly recommended book.
They should remember, not everyone has Kindle, and not everyone had the luxury to purchase an iPad ---in the midst of these economic hard times (I don't have Kindle or an iPad).
So, for me, Amazon will now always get my business, as opposed to 'just on occasion'. It would be interesting to see the hit they take - as they are handing thousands of dollars of business over to instantly.
Yes, you can order online via Barnes & Noble - but why would you do that if Amazon has a much cheaper price? I am not sure how much cheaper - as if you are a B&N member card holder, you get a discount, but I would almost bet Amazon is still a tad bit cheaper. I am not a B&N card holder.
So basically, Barnes & Noble is transforming their store to reflect the success of Kindle - they have found more of their customers are on this than buying books now - and they are both streamlining and changing their product line so they can appeal to their customer's needs and desires more - which, if they are undergoing such a massive transformation, is clearly leaning towards educational material.
But remember, they don't think business books are educational material.
LOL....or just sad.
They might be back to the drawing board about this one, this time next year.
Until they change this, they have, officially as of today, lost me as a customer.
I congratulate them on their foresight to jump in quite quickly on a very significant hot topic - which isn't a trend by any means - its a Revitalization...the revitalization of education.
Each day, America leaders, Government, and ChangeAgents are placing the utmost importance on this topic again.
And it seems Barnes & Noble thought that unless they become akin to a school or university library, they might be out of business.
So, since they couldn't expand their physical space in each location, they chose to deplete a lot of their book selections to make room for the influx of educational material that will now be their primary product line - as you can see prevalently when you are in their store today, vs just even 3 weeks ago.
So now that you have read this - go pop on over to Barnes & Noble - well, unless you are interested in Business or Sales/Mktg books. :) Then I suggest you just stay put and open up
Either way, I encourage you to read - learn and grow and really enjoy whatever you are reading and learning this month!
Jaxi :)
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